
Final Report

Final Report

Hiroyuki Murakami

I chose two musicians. The musicians are Curits Mayfield and Francis Bebey

First,Curits Mayfield. I think that his music is beautiful luxurious sound and he put themes such as own faith, freedom, peace, and love, on his lyrics message. And he throw a message to a listening person in his music. I think his life to have been music itself.
Next, Francis Bebey. I think his music style is unique. A whistle,classical guitar, jazz, and pop.
I think that he didn't like doing a thing music same as other people of music. I think he is a genius at music.
I think both men loved music.


Homework: USA: Curtis Mayfield

Q. What have been the effects of the 9/11 attacks on the US and other countries?

A. I think many countries were effected. My highschool's teacher's friend was at WTC when 11th of September. She told me that She was dead. I don't want to happen terrorism no more in the world.


Homework: Cambodia: Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Sereysothea

Q, What can you find out about the Vietnam War? How did the war affect other countries in the region, such as Cambodia?

A, My country, Japan was affected by Vietnam War. For example, Japan had to offered many United States Forces Japan base by Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan. Japan became the social problem that a leftist student caused a student activism thanks to the grace.
Anyway I'd like to say ,war is shit.


Homework Russia: Sergey Kuryokhin

Q, What have been the main changes in Russia (positive and negative) since the end of the Cold War?

A, I think Russia came to cooperate with the world. It's good example that International Space Station(ISS). Other than Russia, United States of America, Japan, Canada and Europe cooperate and push forward construction of the ISS too.

But, Russia has negative point. Russia does not give back the Japanese northern territories.